========= Changelog ========= - :release:`1.4.0 <2018-06-26>` - :release:`1.3.1 <2018-06-26>` - :release:`1.2.2 <2018-06-26>` - :release:`1.1.1 <2018-06-26>` - :release:`1.0.1 <2018-06-26>` - :bug:`-` Was missing a 'hide output' flag on a subprocess shell call, the result of which was mystery git branch names appearing in the output of ``inv release`` and friends. Fixed now. - :bug:`-` ``checks.blacken`` had a typo regarding its folder selection argument; the CLI/function arg was ``folder`` while the configuration value was ``folders`` (plural). It's been made consistent: the CLI/function argument is now ``folders``. - :feature:`-` Add a ``find_opts`` argument to ``checks.blacken`` for improved control over what files get blackened. - :release:`1.3.0 <2018-06-20>` - :feature:`-` Bump Releases requirement up to 1.6 and leverage its new ability to load Sphinx extensions, in ``packaging.release.prepare`` (which parses Releases changelogs programmatically). Prior to this, projects which needed extensions to build their doctree would throw errors when using the ``packaging.release`` module. - :release:`1.2.1 <2018-06-18>` - :support:`- backported` Remove some apparently non-functional ``setup.py`` logic around conditionally requiring ``enum34``; it was never getting selected and thus breaking a couple modules that relied on it. ``enum34`` is now a hard requirement like the other semi-optional-but-not-really requirements. - :release:`1.2.0 <2018-05-22>` - :feature:`-` Add ``travis.blacken`` which wraps the new ``checks.blacken`` (in diff+check mode, for test output useful for users who cannot themselves simply run black) in addition to performing Travis-oriented Python version checks and pip installation. This is necessary to remove boilerplate around the fact that ``black`` is not even visible to Python versions less than 3.6. - :feature:`-` Break out a generic form of the ``travis.sudo-coverage`` task into ``travis.sudo-run`` which can be used for arbitrary commands run under the ssh/sudo capable user generated by ``travis.make-sudouser``/``travis.make-sshable``. - :feature:`-` Add 'missing' arguments to ``pytest.integration`` so its signature now largely matches ``pytest.test``, which it wraps. - :feature:`-` Add the ``checks`` module, containing ``checks.blacken`` which executes the `black `_ code formatter. Thanks to Chris Rose. - :release:`1.1.0 <2018-05-14>` - :feature:`-` Split out the body of the (sadly incomplete) ``packaging.release.all`` task into the better-named ``packaging.release.prepare``. (``all`` continues to behave as it did, it just now calls ``prepare`` explicitly.) - :release:`1.0.0 <2018-05-08>` - :feature:`-` Pre-history / code primarily for internal consumption