
Sphinx autodoc hooks for documenting Invoke-level objects such as tasks.

Unlike most of the rest of Invocations, this module isn’t for reuse in the “import and call functions” sense, but instead acts as a Sphinx extension which allows Sphinx’s autodoc functionality to see and document Invoke tasks and similar Invoke objects.


This functionality is mostly useful for redistributable/reusable tasks which have been defined as importable members of some Python package or module, as opposed to “local-only” tasks that live in a single project’s

However, it will work for any tasks that Sphinx autodoc can import, so in a pinch you could for example tweak sys.path in your Sphinx to get it loading up a “local” tasks file for import.

To use:

  • Add "invocations.autodoc" to your Sphinx’s extensions list.

  • Use Sphinx autodoc’s automodule directive normally, aiming it at your tasks module(s), e.g. .. automodule:: myproject.tasks in some .rst document of your choosing.

    • As noted above, this only works for modules that are importable, like any other Sphinx autodoc use case.

    • Unless you want to opt-in which module members get documented, use :members: or add "members": True to your’s autodoc_default_options.

    • By default, only tasks with docstrings will be picked up, unless you also give the :undoc-members: flag or add :undoc-members: / add "undoc-members": True to autodoc_default_options.

    • Please see the autodoc docs for details on these settings and more!

  • Build your docs, and you should see your tasks showing up as documented functions in the result.